You are unique, so are we

Inria Startup Studio, 1 year to launch your digital deeptech startup in the Inria environment

Let’s discuss it
Session de formation de porteurs et porteuses de projets d'Inria Startup Studio à Lille, le 12 octobre 2022. © Inria / Marie Magnin
Inria Startup Studio | Espace Startup incubateur paris © Inria / Benoit Fourrier
© Inria / Marie Magnin
Maxime Debert Inria Lille © Inria / Marie Magnin

An idea, a desire,
and a technology?

If you have a project of a digital deeptech startup, our program gives you the opportunity to fully dedicate 100% of your time and energy for one year in the best possible conditions: salary, support, and much more!

Discover the program Inria Startup Studio | HackATech Rennes © Inria – Photo Agence Ludys – A. Le Ny
Inria Startup Studio | Marc Dinh © Inria / Benoit Fourrier

Since 2019, in the 9 Inria centers :

Inria Startup Studio | Sélection Espace Inria Tech © Inria / C. Morel


Selection committees

Inria Startup Studio | des projets partout en France © Inria / Benoit Fourrier


Selected projects everywhere in France

Inria Startup Studio | 137 personnes financées © Inria / Grégoire Maurice


Financed individuals

Inria Startup Studio | AI Verse
Inria Startup Studio | Daspren
Logo Pulse Audition
Inria Startup Studio | Logo qatent
Inria Startup Studio | Logo Gazouyi
Inria Startup Studio | Logo Louise
Inria Startup Studio | Logo Alias
Inria Startup Studio | Logo Flit Sport
Inria Startup Studio | Logo Axiome
Inria Startup Studio | Logo Nijta
Inria Startup Studio | Logo Sonaide

How to apply?

Applications are made on the fly with selection committees that take place every month. The process usually takes a few weeks. The 3 steps to join the program:

I apply

1 / Discovery

Let’s explore together the interest of the program for your project

2 / Pitch

Present your project to the Startup Studio selection committee

3 / Let’s go!

If you are selected, join the program in the following months in one of the 9 Inria centers


You are in and so are we


We inform you of our final decision

They talk about their experience

Inria Startup Studio | Simon Témoignage

We are researchers and we started the program with a purely technical approach. Through contacts, through exchanges, through the training we received, we have been able to add real skills in business, communication and management to our technical background.

Simon Evain

Anax (Inria Rennes)

Inria Startup Studio | Tristan Témoignage

ISS was the first to believe in us. And they supported us with an environment, training and a place to work. Through the ISS network, we have been put in contact with investors who are interesting and interested. And that saved us a lot of time.

Tristan Nitot

Unsearch (Inria Paris)

Inria Startup Studio | Antonia Témoignage

Inria Startup Studio is the perfect environment to meet creative people in which to create a foundation to build a network of creative and helpful individuals from many relevant fields. It also allows me to branch out and explore many different paths for the project.

Antonia Machlouzarides-Shalit

Neuropin (Inria Sophia Antipolis)

Thanks to the funding of a year of project maturation, Inria Startup Studio gives us the opportunity to create our startup project based on the research we have conducted over the last 8 years on flexible robots. Of course technology is important in such a project, but the program helps us to prepare for the different aspects of creating a company.

Christian Duriez

Compliance Robotics (Inria Lille)

Inria Startup Studio | Harold Témoignage

When you have a problem or when you experience something, another project owner, in general, will have already experienced it and will be able to share her experience with you. And it’s something extremely rich to create and share moments like that with people who are not necessarily in your project, but who are going through something similar.

Harold Blériot

Lyrion (Inria Paris)

Inria Startup Studio | Justine Témoignage

One of the highlights of this experience is that thanks to ISS, I was able to meet one of the big names in my field, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. A big challenge for me!

Justine Bonnot

Yubik (Inria Rennes)

Inria Startup Studio | Thibaud Témoignage

The support team never stopped challenging us by asking to go even further and by making even more contacts with the main stakeholders, the hearing impaired people.

Thibaud Moufle-Milot

Pulse Audition (Inria Sophia Antipolis)

The program partners

Inria Startup Studio | Investir l'avenir programme accompagnement startup
Inria Startup Studio | Euratechnologie programme accompagnement startup
Inria Startup Studio | Bpi France programme accompagnement startup
Inria Startup Studio | EM Lyon programme accompagnement startup
Inria Startup Studio | Find your cofounder programme accompagnement startup

Want to get started?

Contact us
Hackatech Lille - Mars 2020 © Inria / Sébastien Jarry
© Inria
© Inria / Marie Magnin